Go ye into all the world.

Matthew 16:15

Find Out More

Who We Are

Church On The Go Ministry is a dynamic and compassionate non-profit organization devoted to directly delivering the power of faith and community to those in need. Our creative approach combines the essence of a church with the mobility of an on-the-go church, allowing us to reach individuals and communities in a variety of locations, transcending geography and providing transformative experiences.

What We Do


Our primary goal is to promote learning, provide resources, and support educational opportunities for individuals/communities in need.

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Our mobile church responds to the specific requirements of each community it visits, whether in bustling urban centers, remote rural areas, or underserved neighborhoods. We recognize that spiritual development and social justice are intertwined, and as a result, we actively engage in community outreach and humanitarian initiatives. Church On The Go Ministry serves as a beacon of hope and support, from organizing food drives and garment drives to providing aid during natural disasters and times of crisis.

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At the core of our mission is the conviction that spirituality and religious guidance should be available to everyone, regardless of their circumstances or location. We intend to bring the church to you.

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Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.


Show you care. Let's change the world together!

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the Concept of Charity
Church Group

Matthew 18:20: For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.

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